The Highlands Neighborhood Coalition Needs You (Who We Are)

Who are we?

We are year-round, part-time and seasonal residents who live in R-1 and R-2 residential neighborhoods.

We are invested in the Highlands community and we financially support and serve on the boards of numerous nonprofit organizations in Highlands.

We DO NOT rent our homes out as short-term rentals.

We are volunteers who have contributed our time and resources to eradicate STRs from our traditional, residential neighborhoods.

We have individually and collectively worked with Town officials for almost a decade to address the negative impact these disruptive mini-hotels have had on our quality of life.

What do we believe?

We believe there should be STR-free neighborhoods in Highlands.  This is what we believed when we bought our homes in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods, zoned as exclusively single-family residential with no commercial activity including overnight accommodations.

Currently, there are NO exclusively residential neighborhoods in Highlands.  Not one.

We believe the voters of Highlands in the last two elections overwhelmingly supported the candidates who pledged to remove STRs from our residential neighborhoods.

We believe the current zoning – which created winners (those who can short-term rent) and losers (those who can’t) – is fundamentally unfair and unsustainable.

We believe the only way forward is to prohibit all STRs in R-1 and R-2 neighborhoods.

We believe, like many communities across the country, that STRs destroy communities:

·       Drives out long-time homeowners who want peace and quiet.

·       Inflates housing values and rewards the investor class.

·       Reduces the number of long-term rentals.

·       Negatively impacts the local environment.

·       Enables overtourism.

What do YOU believe? If you share our values, please join us.
