The Highlands Neighborhood Coalition is an association of neighbors and neighborhoods who have joined together to preserve, protect, and improve the Town of Highlands and our neighborhoods.
It is important that we have an organization like HNC to advocate for residents and neighborhoods, presenting input and ideas to the Town in a way that will have a positive impact on our future. Your support enables us to educate the public, seek professional guidance to ensure our effectiveness, and advocate for best policies and practices.
Our work in 2023 included a focus on the November 2023 election to elect three Commissioners to the Town Board. Our efforts in the 2021 election resulted in the Mayor and two Commissioners being elected by an overwhelming majority of the vote. In 2023, we endorsed two candidates who we believe will work for the best interests of resident and neighborhoods, and share our belief that commercial businesses including short-term rentals should be prohibited in residential neighborhoods. Both were elected.
There is more work ahead in 2024. Your donation helps preserve, protect and advocate for Highlands and your fellow residents. Thank you!